Finding & Submitting a TeamDynamix Service Request

The TeamDynamix Service Catalog is a list of Services that customers can choose from and request to get assistance from various departments across the College.

Table of Contents

Find a Service from the Audience Pages

  1. From the Client Portal Home page, select either:
    1. The Audience button that applies to you in the center of the page
    2. The Audience tab that applies to you in the header bar

Audience Selection in the Client Portal

  1. From your appropriate page, select the Find a Service button

Find a Service from Audience Page Client Portal

  1. This will take you to your specific Category within the Service Catalog.
  2. Here you will be able to select sub-Categories to find a Service relating to your need. 

Find a Service from the Service Catalog

Instead of navigating through the Audience pages, you can opt to go directly to the Services tab in the header bar.

From the Services tab, you can navigate two ways:

  1. Via the Audience Category
    1. Then select your sub-Category to find a Service. 

Service Audience Categories in Client Portal

  1. Via Services A-Z in the sub-header bar.
    1. This lists all Services alphabetically, and is sortable by the first letter of the Service's name.

Find a Service by Searching the Client Portal

All items within the Client Portal are searchable by name, content keywords, or tags.

  1. Enter your search criteria in the Search box in the upper right.
  2. On the left of the bar, select whether you want to search by:
    1. All
    2. Knowledge Base
    3. Service Catalog

Client Portal Search Options

  1. Click Search to populate results.

Or you can search specifically from the Services tab, to only search Service/Service Offerings.

  1. From the Services tab, click on Search in the sub-header bar.
  2. This will open to a Search page.
  3. Enter your search keyword and/or Category selection.
    1. Tip: Use # before a keyword to only search by tags. Ex: #password.
  4. Click the Search button to populate results below. 

Search a Service in the Client Portal

Submit a Service Request

  1. Once you've found a Service, you should see various buttons on the right. These may include:
  • Links to logins or tools
  • Requestable Service Offerings
  • Share - to email the Service page link to another person
  • Add to Favorites - to add the Service to your "My Favorites" for ease of access in the sub-header bar later

Service Page Buttons

  1. Click on one of the request Service buttons to enter the form.
  2. Each Service/Service Offering will have a slightly different form that is tailored to the data needed to help with the request.  All fields have help text associated to them to aid you on the type of information you should enter.  Any field marked with a red asterisks is required. 

Example of Fields in a Service Request

  1. Once you've filled out all applicable fields, click Submit at the bottom to send to the Technician queue in the respective department.

Submit Button on a Service Request

  1. You will receive an email notification of your Ticket creation, and additional emails when a Technician reaches out.
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Article ID: 13533
Tue 7/2/24 11:53 AM
Thu 8/1/24 2:59 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

If you're unsure where to go and want to contact the Service Desk, this is the right place!