All vehicles on campus are subject to The College's parking regulations. Vehicles owned/operated by all students, faculty, and staff must be registered with The College and obtain a parking permit. St. Scholastica employees may obtain only a faculty/staff parking permit. St. Scholastica students may obtain only a student parking permit. Intentionally misrepresenting your vehicle by using a parking permit other than the one you are entitled to is a violation of the parking regulations.
All faculty, staff, and students are required to park only in The College's designated parking lots. Please refer to the campus parking lot map for parking lot locations.
To complete the application, you will need your CSS ID/Password login and vehicle make, model, color, year, state, and license plate number.
Accessible Parking and Temporary CSS Medical Needs Parking
Accessible parking is enforced 24 hours a day 7 days a week and requires a state disability parking certificate.
- Lot 2A (Burns Wellness Commons): (3) Three spaces
- Lot 3 (west entrance to lot): (2) Two spaces
- Lot 3 (Mitchell Auditorium/Student Union): (5) Five spaces
- Lot 7 (Somers Hall): (3) Three spaces
- Lot 8: (3) Three spaces
- Lot 9: (2) Two spaces
- Lot 10: (3) Three spaces
- Cedar Hall: (3) Three spaces
- Kerst Hall: (3) Three spaces
- Scanlon Hall: (3) Three Spaces
Violations in the designated state disability parking areas cannot be appealed.
CSS Medical Parking
Two (2) spaces are located in Parking Lot 2A by the lower east entrance to the Burns Wellness Commons, three (3) at the entrance of Parking Lot 3 outside of the Mitchell Auditorium/Student Union, and three (3) spaces in Science Building Parking Lot 8.
A CSS Medical Parking Permit (MPP) is a temporary parking permit for areas in which CSS faculty, staff, or
students are not normally eligible to park but need access to reserved parking due to a medical condition not covered under State Disability Parking rules. Conditions that would make a person eligible for a CSS Medical Parking Permit include, but are not limited to: short-term physical rehabilitation, e.g., from surgery, injury, or chronic health condition; casts, crutches, or splints; pregnancy; and time-limited respiratory conditions, e.g., pneumonia or bronchitis.
For students to request a CSS Medical Parking Permit, please complete the New Student Accommodation
Request form or a Supplemental Request on Accommodate if already registered with CEA. Additionally, please complete the CSS Medical Parking Permit form and attach to the request, email to , or return a paper copy to The Center for Equal Access in Science 1117.
If the request is denied, students have the right to appeal to the ADA coordinator. Please see the CEA student handbook for details.
CSS Medical Parking Permit Application can be found here.
Violations in the designated CSS Medical Parking spaces cannot be appealed.
Faculty/Staff Parking Application
his application is good for the current Academic Year.
The cost for a parking permit is $150.00 for the full academic year, which includes all applicable taxes. All employees will pay for the permit through payroll deduction. The cost for a parking permit for faculty and staff hired within the academic year will be based on the remaining pay periods.
All faculty and staff requiring a CSS Parking Permit must complete the online parking permit application.
All faculty/staff vehicles parked on campus between the hours of 2 a.m. and 3 p.m. are required to have a valid faculty/staff parking permit displayed on the rearview mirror so the permit is clearly visible through the windshield with the permit number facing outward. Parking permits are required from the first day of classes each year until the last day of classes. The fee paid is a registration fee and not a guarantee of a parking space.
If your permit is lost or stolen, please report lost or stolen permits to the Campus Safety and Security as soon as possible. A temporary permit will be issued for 48 hours. Unless reported to the Campus Safety and Security Office, you will be responsible for all citation fines issued to your permit number.
If you change vehicles or your license plate changes during the academic year, you can update your vehicle information and select "Manage Your Vehicles." This will allow you to update your new vehicle information.
Employees will be issued only one permit to transfer between registered vehicles. Additional permits may be purchased. Contact Campus Safety and Security to make arrangements, in person SCI 3212, email, or phone 218-723-5937
Faculty and staff with outstanding parking citations will not be allowed to register for a parking permit until all fines are cleared.
Holiday/Break Parking
Parking is permitted in any College designated parking lot during academic breaks and extended holiday breaks except for visitor parking that will still be enforced Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. The no overnight parking remains in effect seven (7) days a week between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. in lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6A, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 14.
Parking Citations and Appeals and Parking Citation Fine Rates
Parking citations issued to students will be directly charged to the student's account.
Grades/transcripts will be held for students with unpaid accounts.
Faculty/staff can pay for their parking citations at the Cashier's Desk located in Tower Hall 2600 (payment can be made by cash or check).
When a registered vehicle receives its sixth (6), and an unregistered vehicle receives its third (3) and any subsequent parking violation (even if past violations have been paid) during the academic year for violating The College's Parking Regulations, the vehicle will automatically be towed off-campus. The charge for this towing and any storage fees will be at the owner's expense at the towing company's current rate and cannot be appealed.
A committee of students, faculty, and staff will review written appeals for parking citations. To submit an appeal, you must fill out an Online Appeal Form.
Citations can only be appealed if submitted within 14 days of the citation date.
Citations for violations in the State designated accessible, CSS Medical Need, Visitor Parking, Monastery, and Benedictine Living Community parking areas cannot be appealed.
Citation Rates
- No Parking Permit $50
- Visitor Parking $25
- Admissions Visitor Parking $25
- No parking Zone $25
- Restricted Parking (2 am-7 am) $25
- Accessible Parking Zone $100
- Medical Need Parking $100
- Parked off Pavement $25
- Monastery Lot $25
- Westwood/Marywood Lots $50
- Benedictine Health Center $50
- Parked on Roadway $25
- Blocking Traffic $25
- Reserved Parking $25
- Driving on Grass $50 plus the cost of repairs to grass
Parking Lot Snow Removal
To provide snow removal to maintain effective and safe parking on campus, parking lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6A, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 14 must be cleared of all vehicles between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. seven (7) days of the week. Unauthorized vehicles parked in the above lots overnight will be issued a parking citation and towed off-campus if necessary. The charge for this towing and storage will be at the owner's expense at the towing company's current rate and cannot be appealed.
When snow removal is required from the designated permitted overnight parking lots 1A, 1B, 15, 16, and 17, residents will be given at least 12 hours notice about which alternate parking lot(s) to use. Any vehicles not removed from these lots will be towed following the above-stated guidelines.
Parking on Roadway Parking and Driving on Grass
No parking is allowed on the campus roadways except for special events with approval from the Campus Safety Manager.
Driving on the grass is not allowed.
Student, Faculty, and Staff Commuter Parking Lots
College Commuter Parking Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6A, 8, 12, 13, and 14 require a current CSS parking permit Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. No parking is allowed in these lots seven (7) days a week between 2 a.m. - 7 a.m.
Commuter faculty, staff, and students are allowed to park in the designated overnight parking lots if all the commuter parking lots are full.
Commuter faculty, staff, and students traveling for college business or events and leaving their vehicle on campus while traveling must park their vehicle in one of the Designated College Overnight Parking Lots.
Student Parking Application
This application is good for the current Academic Year.
Students requiring a CSS Parking Permit must fill out the Parking Permit Registration Form.
Parking permits will be placed in CSS mailboxes once the online parking application is completed. The cost for a parking permit is $150 per academic year, which includes all applicable taxes. Your student account will be charged after successful completion of the on-line application. The fee paid is a registration fee and not a guarantee of a parking space. Students are allowed only one vehicle on campus. This includes motorcycles/scooters.
All student vehicles parked on campus between the hours of 2 a.m. and 3 p.m. are required to have a valid student parking permit displayed on the rearview mirror so the permit is clearly visible through the windshield with the permit number facing outward.
Students living on campus will be required to park only in one of the designated overnight parking lots. These lots include Lots 1A, 1B, 15, 16, & 17. A special-colored parking permit will be issued to on-campus residents.
If your permit is lost or stolen, you can purchase a new permit from Campus Safety and Security, in person SCI 3212, email, or phone 218-723-5937
If you leave college during the academic year, you can turn in your parking permit to the Campus Safety and Security, SCI 3212.
If you change vehicles or your license plate changes during the academic year, you can update your vehicle information. Choose "Manage Your Vehicles." This will allow you to update your new vehicle information.
Student Residential Parking
Students living on campus are required to park only in one of the designated overnight parking lots between 2 a.m. and 3 p.m. A special-colored parking permit will be issued to on-campus residents.
Designated College Overnight Parking Lots
Designated overnight parking is permitted only in parking lots 1A, 1B, 15, 16 & 17. A current CSS parking permit decal is required in these lots Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. and seven (7) days a week between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m.
St. Scholastica Monastery and Benedictine Living Community
The parking area along the stone wall in front of the Monastery is off-limits to any vehicle other than those authorized by the Monastery Transportation office. A special Monastery parking permit is required to park in this lot.
Students/Faculty/Staff are not allowed to park in this lot without authorization from the Monastery. When a vehicle receives its second (2) and any subsequent parking violation (even if past violations have been paid) during the academic year for violations in this parking lot, the vehicle will automatically be towed off-campus. The charge for this towing and any storage fees will be at the owner's expense at the towing company's current rate and cannot be appealed.
Next to the Benedictine Health Center, Westwood, and Marywood, the parking lots are reserved for employees and guests of the Benedictine Living Community. A special permit is required to park in this lot.
Students/Faculty/Staff are not allowed to park in these lots without authorization from the Benedictine Living Community. When a vehicle receives its third (3) and any subsequent parking violation (even if past violations have been paid) during the academic year for violations in these parking lots, the vehicle will automatically be towed off-campus. The charge for this towing and any storage fees will be at the owner's expense at the towing company's current rate and cannot be appealed.
Towing Policy
The College reserves the right to tow any vehicle in violation of the current parking policies. The College also reserves the right to tow any vehicle that is posing a threat to safety, the environment, or creating a nuisance noise, such as a vehicle security alarm, at any time. The charge for this towing and any storage fees will be at the owner's expense at the towing company's current rate and cannot be appealed.
Unregistered Vehicle Owner Identification Process
To identify the ownership of a vehicle not registered with the college that has acquired parking violations and fines, the college will use a licensed investigative service to determine the vehicle's registered owner. A service fee of $50 will be applied to the responsible party for the unregistered vehicle.
Visitor Parking Lots
- Parking lot 7 - Sixteen spaces are available in front of Somers Hall
- Parking lot 9 - Nine spaces are available along the north side of the 3rd-floor entrance to the Science Building. These spaces are for visitors to the Admissions Department only.
- Parking lot 10 - Fourteen spaces are available in front of the Chapel/Library
Visitor parking is enforced Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.
No parking is allowed in these lots seven (7) days a week between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m.
Permits for the visitor parking spaces are required and available in the Admissions office or Campus Safety office. Vehicles without a properly completed visitor permit will be issued a citation.
Faculty, staff, and students may not use visitor parking from 7 a.m. through 3 p.m. Monday - Friday. Citations issued to faculty, staff, and students during this listed time cannot be appealed.
Visitor Parking Map
Guest Overnight Parking
All guest vehicles must be parked in one of the College's Designated Overnight Parking Lots (1A, 1B, 15, 16 & 17) seven (7) days a week between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. Guest vehicles are not required to have a parking permit during this time. If a Guest vehicle is on campus between the hours of 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday - Friday, they must acquire a visitor parking permit from Campus Security.
The College assumes no responsibility for any vehicle or its content while the vehicle is parked or operated on College property. All vehicle operators should lock or otherwise secure their vehicles when parked on campus.