Policy Information
Owner: VPAA and Interim VP of Student Affairs
Author: AVP of Student Affairs and ADA coordinator
Contact information: Center for Equal Access, access@css.edu
Effective Date: 01/01/2025
Review Date:
Applicable Laws, regulations, and compliance: Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Minnesota Respond, Innovate, Succeed,
and Empower (RISE) Act.
I. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that students with disabilities at The College of Saint Scholastica have the opportunity to participate fully in the College's programs, services, and activities. This policy aligns with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Minnesota RISE Act. The College provides reasonable accommodations and support for students with disabilities, and this policy outlines those responsibilities.
II. Definitions
Disability: A disability, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008, is “A mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, having a record of such impairment or being regarded as having such impairment.”
Reasonable accommodation: A modification to a class, program, or campus environment that allows an individual with a disability to participate in the class or program without creating an undue burden on The College or fundamentally altering academic, conduct, or performance requirements. Student requests for accommodations are determined by The Center for Equal Access.
Student with a disability: A student with a disability is a student who is enrolled in classes at The College of St. Scholastica who has a documented disability that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
III. Policy
The College is committed to ensuring equitable access for students with disabilities and complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Minnesota RISE Act. The College must take the following actions to meet these responsibilities:
Self-Disclosure and Requests for Accommodations
Students with disabilities can request accommodations by contacting The Center for Equal Access. Disclosure by the student is sufficient to start the interactive process for determining reasonable accommodations.
- At the start of each academic term, the College must provide students with an opportunity to self-identify as having a disability.
- Students may self-identify and request accommodations at any time during their enrollment.
To begin the process, students can contact:
- Email: access@css.edu
- Website: css.edu/academics/centers-and-institutes/center-for-equal-access/
Determining Accommodations
The College must work collaboratively with students to identify and implement reasonable accommodations.
Students may need to provide documentation to support their requests, such as:
- Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
- Section 504 Plans
- Medical or professional evaluations
- Records from other institutions or agencies
The College must not require additional documentation for permanent disabilities if the student’s status has already been established and they are not requesting new accommodations.
Providing Accommodations
The College must ensure that approved accommodations are provided to students and implemented as required.
Notification to Instructors:
- With the student’s consent, accommodation letters must be shared with instructors to ensure implementation.
If Accommodations Cannot Be Provided:
- If an instructor determines that an accommodation would fundamentally alter the nature of the course:
- The instructor must reach out to The Center for Equal Access to initiate the fundamental alteration process, including in writing explaining why the accommodation cannot be provided. The Center will communicate with the student.
Grievance Process
Students who are denied accommodations must have access to a grievance or appeal process.
- The process must include the option for the student to involve The Center for Equal Access to assist in resolving issues.
- The College must ensure students are not penalized academically or financially for access barriers outside their control.
Accessible Communication
The College must provide information about accommodations and disability resources in plain language and accessible formats. This information must be made available:
- During the application process
- At orientation
- In the academic catalog
- On the College’s public website
For a complete list of potential accommodations and resources, visit the College’s website at:
IV. Individuals and entities affected by this policy
Students, Staff, Faculty
V. Related documents, forms, and procedures
VI. History and updates
The College reserves the right to modify policies at any time, ensuring the involvement of relevant committees and constituents in the decision-making process (e.g., policy committee, faculty assembly, staff council, student government association, etc.