College Property

Issued by: VP for Finance

Effective Date: October 1986

Revised: July 1990; July 1998, January 2009

All employees are expected to exercise due care in the use of College property and to utilize such property only for authorized purposes. Use of College property for employment purposes outside of CSS is strictly forbidden. Negligence in the care and use of College property may be considered cause for discipline. College equipment/assets are not to be used by outside groups, organizations or individuals. This includes, but is not limited to vehicles, telephones, computers, electronic recording and playing devices, audio-visual equipment, televisions, etc. Unauthorized removal of College property from the premises or its conversion to personal use is prohibited.

When employees are entrusted with keys, they must carefully control them to protect College property from fire, theft, vandalism and unauthorized use.

Employees with keys accept responsibility to:

  • Keep keys in a safe place at all times.
  • Refuse to lend keys to anyone.
  • Prevent keys from being copied.
  • Report to their supervisor immediately when keys are misplaced, lost, or destroyed.

College property and keys issued to an employee must be returned to the College at the time he/she terminates employment or when it is requested by the Department head.

Requests for use of the College facilities by outside groups are processed by the Directorbof Conferences and Events Services. Requests for use of College equipment must be made to the appropriate department head.

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Article ID: 14967
Fri 8/30/24 12:08 PM
Fri 8/30/24 12:09 PM