Conflict of Interest

Issued By: Human Resources

Effective Date: July 1995; January 2009

In order for the College to carry out its mission and purpose, the activities of all employees are to be conducted according to the highest standards of integrity and ethics. Employees should avoid any situation, business or other activity which in any way could be construed as a conflict of interest with their employment at The College of St. Scholastica.

It is contrary to the College's policy for any employee or member of the employee's family to accept gifts, services, discounts or favors from those with whom the College does business or considers doing business. It is not the College's desire to appear unfriendly or unsociable. On the other hand, it is the College's policy to avoid any actions which may throw doubt upon the integrity or motivation of employees.


No guidelines can be all-inclusive and therefore the responsibility for proper conduct rests with each employee. There is no substitute for personal integrity and good judgment.

The following are examples of situations or actions which are considered conflicts of interest issues.

  • External relationships that may compromise professional judgment in carrying out one's job responsibilities because it directly or indirectly affects the financial interest or gain of the employee, Board member, consultant, or any entity or organization in which the individual or a family member has a personal or financial interest. This includes favoritism shown to a relative on a basis of relationship.
  • Receiving or giving gifts, gratuities, and favors. Gifts of nominal value ($50 or less) such as calendars, appointment books, edibles etc., may be accepted in circumstances where such minor gifts are customary, and refusal might cause embarrassment or for the employee to appear unfriendly or unsociable. Employees should not accept or provide costly entertainment or gifts that may imply conflicts between the interests of the employee and the College.
  • Releasing confidential and private College information. See the College's Data Access Policy on the Information Technologies web page.
  • Dishonesty and bribery.


Suspected actual or potential violations of  this  policy should  be  reported  to  the employee's supervisor, his/her vice president or  to  the  Vice  President  of Human Resources.  Suspected violations of this policy will  be investigated  fairly and  thoroughly. At the appropriate time, the College will inform the involved employee of the allegation; review the information discovered and will  allow  the  employee  an  opportunity  to respond. If the allegations are confirmed by investigation and/or acknowledged by the employee, disciplinary action, up to and including termination, may result. Information concerning suspected violations will  be treated confidentially and  only those  persons with  a direct need to know the information will be given access.

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Article ID: 14963
Fri 8/30/24 11:44 AM
Fri 8/30/24 11:46 AM