Drug-Free Workplace Statement

Issued By: Human Resources

Effective Date: March 20, 1989

Revised: February 1993; March 1996; March 1998; July 2003; March 2004; January 2007; January 2009


Within the Benedictine tradition of hospitality, the College seeks to foster a healthy, respectful environment in which balance is the model to which we adhere. The College respects and supports those who choose a lifestyle free of chemicals. Those in recovery are offered support via an Employee Assistance Plan, health insurance coverage, leave opportunities, support groups on campus, and ongoing programming. The goal of The College of St. Scholastica is to create an environment in which both the responsible use and nonuse of alcoholic beverages are respected and in which the line existing between responsible drinking and abuse is recognized.

Statement on Alcohol Use

The College asserts that inappropriate behavior is not excused by consumption of alcoholic beverages and will hold individuals accountable for actions performed under the influence of alcohol. This includes instances when the use or abuse of alcohol results in excessive absenteeism or tardiness or is the cause of accidents or poor work performance. Behavior following consumption of alcoholic beverages which violates College policy and/or state law will be considered an offense subject to review by the supervisor and the Head of Human Resources.

Statement on Drugs Other Than Alcohol

A drug is any substance other than alcohol capable of altering an individual's mood, perception, pain level, or judgment. A prescribed drug is any substance prescribed for a specific individual's consumption by a licensed medical practitioner. An illegal drug is any drug or controlled substance which is illegal to sell or consume.

The use, sale, possession, distribution, purchase, or manufacture of illegal drugs or controlled substances on College property or while performing College business is strictly prohibited.

No prescription drug will be used on College premises or while performing College business by any person other than the one for whom it is prescribed. Such drugs will be used only in the manner, combination, and quantity prescribed.


Any employee who feels that he/she, a family member or friend has developed an addiction or dependence on drugs and/or alcohol is encouraged to seek assistance. Faculty and staff have the option of going to their immediate supervisor, department chair, or Human Resources for information on assistance available.

Requests for assistance will be confidential.

The College contracts with HealthPartners for its confidential Employee Assistance Program. All employees and their families are eligible to contact HealthPartners to discuss the need for treatment or rehabilitation. The first three visits per calendar year are paid by the College and are completely confidential. Subsequent visits may be covered under an individual's medical insurance.

There is also an Alcoholics Anonymous support group and an Al-Anon support group meeting on campus on a year-round basis. For assistance call 763-781-5102 or visit their web page.

Rehabilitation itself is the responsibility of the individual. An employee covered by The College of St. Scholastica's medical insurance who seeks medical attention for drug or alcohol addiction is entitled to benefits under the College's group medical insurance plans on the same basis and with the same restrictions and limits as other illnesses. Sick leave, if accrued, may be used for rehabilitation leave.


Any employee whose abuse or use of alcohol, illegal drugs and/or unlawful prescription drugs results in excessive absenteeism or tardiness or is the cause of accidents or poor work performance will be subject to sanctions which may include a warning letter, suspension, or termination of employment, depending on the severity of the incident.

An employee may be referred to an authorized treatment program for rehabilitation as part of a performance improvement plan. An employee will face termination if he/she rejects that program. An individual who leaves such treatment program prior to proper discharge will be immediately terminated. A continued pattern of
excessive abuses, resulting in repeated rehabilitation treatment, will be cause for discharge.

If a faculty member is charged with a violation of this policy, he/she will be governed by the Grievance and Dismissal Procedure as written in the Faculty Handbook. Members of the Operating Engineers, Local #70, will be governed by the current contract procedures for grievance and dismissal.

College's Obligations

The College has in no way undertaken a duty to detect, prevent or treat drug or alcohol use by employees even where such use becomes apparent as a result of this policy.

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Article ID: 14962
Fri 8/30/24 11:31 AM
Fri 8/30/24 11:32 AM