Workers' Compensation

All employees are covered by Workers' Compensation insurance. This coverage is provided by the College. Any job-related accident or illness must be reported to Human Resources immediately. It is the responsibility of the supervisor, not the employee, to determine the particulars of the incident. For more information and the accident report form, refer to the benefits section of the Human Resources page on my.CSS. Upon completion, the form must be forwarded to Human Resources which will file the proper forms for Workers' Compensation and OSHA requirements. The College of St. Scholastica's Workers' Compensation program is self-insured. Utilization of this benefit is a direct cost to the College. Therefore, the utmost care should be used in all work activities so as to protect oneself and others against injury.

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Article ID: 14953
Fri 8/30/24 10:41 AM
Fri 8/30/24 10:45 AM