Sick Leave

Issued By: Human Resources

Effective Date: February 1968

Revised: April 1973; July 1978; March 1983; October 1986; August 1990; April 1995; February 1997; March 1999; August 2005; December 2007; December 2009, November 2011, August 2013

The College sick leave policy is generous. Employees are encouraged to accumulate the maximum number of 528 accrued hours to protect themselves from loss of income in case of a long-term illness or injury. Disability insurance may be available after 90 calendar days of absence.

Accrual Rate

Full-time salaried staff accrues 5.54 hours of sick leave per bi-weekly pay period. Salaried employees who work at least 9 months but less than 12 months will accrue sick leave only during the months they work. Professional non-exempt staff accrue sick leave at the above rate on a pro-rated basis according to the position's approved appointment percentage.

Full-time hourly staff earns 3.70 hours of sick leave per bi-weekly pay period. (.04 hours/hour worked).

Part-time hourly employees, who work 50% or more of full-time, 9 months per year, accrue sick leave at the rate of .04 hours per each actual hour worked in the pay period. Sick leave accruals are based on actual hours worked in the pay period. 

Specific term employees accrue sick leave according to their classification as either salaried or hourly. The following employee classifications do not accrue sick leave:

  • Temporary staff
  • Part-time staff working less than 50% of full-time
  • Seasonal staff
  • Casual staff

Maximum Accrused Amount

Sick leave may be accrued up to a maximum of 528 hours. Once the maximum is reached, no additional sick leave will be accrued until the employee has been off the job due to illness or injury.

Sick Leave Eligibility

Employees may only take sick leave for the following reasons:

The employee's own illness - When an employee is unable to work because of illness (including pregnancy related medical conditions)  or injury, she/he is required to notify the supervisor no later than the time she/he is expected to be at work. If the employee has been ill for three or more days, the employee may be required to obtain a physician's statement and submit it to the supervisor. If the illness exceeds three days, the employee must contact  Human  Resources and request a FMLA leave.

Child's illness (dependent and adult child) - An employee may use sick leave for absence due to an illness or injury of his/her child for such reasonable periods as the employee needs to be with the child.  The employee must notify the supervisor in the same manner as for employee illness which is not later than the time he/she is expected to be at work. If the child has been ill for three or more days, the employee may be required to obtain a physician's statement and submit it to the supervisor.  If the illness exceeds three days, the employee must contact Human  Resources and request a FMLA leave.

Illness of spouse, parent, member of immediate household, sibling or grandparent - An employee may use sick leave for absence due to an illness or injury of his/her spouse, parent, stepparent, or someone who stood in loco parentis to the employee when the employee was a son or daughter, sibling, grandparent, or member of immediate household (with the approval of Human Resources), when the employee's presence is required. The employee must notify the supervisor in the same manner as for employee illness which is not later than the time he/she is expected to be at work. Depending on the circumstances, the employee may be required to obtain a physician's statement indicating that the employee's presence is required and submit it to the supervisor. If the illness or medical condition exceeds three days, the employee must contact Human Resources to determine if eligible for FMLA leave.

Birth/adoption/foster care - An employee may use available sick leave within the 12 month period immediately following the placement of foster child, the birth or adoption of his/her child. The employee must contact Human Resources to determine if eligible for FMLA leave.


The College's official sick leave record-keeping system is maintained by the Payroll Office. At the end of each pay period, employees must report actual sick time taken onto the College's online time reporting system. Food Service and Facilities hourly employees must report their actual sick leave usage on their dedicated department timekeeping system. Employees are not eligible to receive pay for the 'free' hour off on Fridays during the summer months when using sick leave. Supervisors are responsible for verifying the accuracy of all information on their employees' reports.

Sick leave hours will not be allowed to go into arrears unless due to extenuating circumstances as approved by the employee's vice president. Arrears due to extenuating circumstances may not exceed 40 hours.  Unapproved sick hours taken in excess of the employee's available balance will not be paid.  This situation will be reported to the employee's supervisor by the Payroll Office and may be considered a performance issue.

Abuse of sick leave or failure to report an absence may be cause for disciplinary action.

Medical and Dental Appointments

If possible, medical and dental appointments should be scheduled at a time when the employee is not normally at work. If this cannot be done, the employee shall arrange with the supervisor for sick leave or time off to be made up during the same work week.


When a staff employee leaves the employ of the College, that person is not entitled to receive payment for any unused accrued sick leave.

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Article ID: 14865
Thu 8/29/24 9:21 AM
Thu 8/29/24 9:27 AM