Pay for Extra Services

Issued by: Academic Affairs and Human Resources

Effective Date: September 2006

Extra pay may be available for work which is outside the scope of the staff member's job classification, is not performed on a continuing basis, is not performed during the regular work schedule of the staff member, and, typically, is not within the staff member's own department. The extra work being performed should not conflict with or reduce the effectiveness of the individual's performance of primary job duties. Extra pay must be approved by Human Resources before the work is performed and before it is communicated to the staff member. These payments are processed on a New Hire/Change Form.

The staff member must receive approval from his/her supervisor prior to performing work for another department.

Extra pay for services performed by hourly staff must be recorded as hours worked each pay period on the New Hire/Change Form and may be subject to overtime pay provisions.

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Wed 8/28/24 2:39 PM
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