Staff Teaching Classes

Issued By: Academic Affairs and Human Resources

Effective Date: September 2006

The College is fortunate to have staff members with the academic credentials and subject-matter expertise to qualify them to teach in an adjunct capacity at the College. Staff members who wish to teach must present a plan to their supervisor for consideration that details how regular work will be completed with the added responsibilities of a teaching assignment. Staff members must get permission from their supervisors to teach. Supervisors can withdraw permission for staff members to teach, or limit the amount and timing of teaching, based on the needs of the department and the performance of the staff member.

The compensation model for teaching must be negotiated with the staff supervisor. If the teaching is in addition to all staff responsibilities, then the staff member may be compensated as an adjunct faculty member. If the staff member's responsibilities are modified so that the teaching is rolled into their regular job,  then no additional compensation is available. When the staff member is compensated as an adjunct faculty member and the class to be taught occurs during typical work hours,  the staff member must ensure that typical work hours used for teaching are made up at other times and that activities such as preparation for class and grading occur outside of typical work hours whenever possible.

Due to Department of Labor overtime rules, the option to be paid as an adjunct is available to salaried staff only.

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Article ID: 14849
Wed 8/28/24 2:11 PM
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