Interim Positions

Issued By: Human Resources

Effective Date: July 2013

An interim position is the assignment of an employee to a vacant position or when an employee is asked to assume some or all of the responsibilities of a vacant position for a period of at least two months or longer. Interim positions consist of assignments and responsibilities that are significantly different or beyond the scope of the employee's normal job duties. 

Interim positions may be eligible for additional pay if they involve responsibilities at a pay band higher than the pay band of the employee's regular assigned job. In an interim position, an employee is generally performing work on a higher pay band and is typically in an "acting" capacity during a vacancy. The interim duties may encompass the total job duties of the vacated position without performing any of the duties of the regularly assigned position, or may include portions of the higher level position with the individual also responsible for his/her regularly assigned position. 

The College's promotion increase guidelines are typically applied to determine the appropriate additional pay amount. Interim pay should generally be less than the employee would receive should s/he move into the position on a regular ongoing basis. 

If the interim position is on the same or lower pay band as employee's current position, the following guidelines will be applied when determining if an interim salary increase is appropriate:

The new duties to be performed are clearly differentiated from the duties normally performed by the employee.

  • The new duties are not to be performed on an ongoing basis.
  • The new duties are not of a backup nature already expected of the employee.
  • The new duties significantly impact the total workload of the employee who is assuming the interim assignment.

Interim position pay does not become part of the employee's base salary. When the interim assignment ends, the employee's pay will revert back to pre-interim duty wages. 

In some instances, instead of Interim Position pay, it may be more appropriate to provide a Bonus for extraordinary job performance and contribution beyond normal job duties and work expectations.

Work on grant-funded projects outside the scope of the normal work assignment of the employee may be undertaken and paid additional pay. See payments of staff working on grant-funded assignments.

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Article ID: 14847
Wed 8/28/24 1:54 PM
Wed 8/28/24 1:54 PM