Annual Increases

Issued By: Human Resources

Effective Date: July 2003; December 2009

Many factors are considered in determining pay increases within the pay bands. Some of these factors are controlled internally (budget, internal equity and strategic goals) and others, such as general economic conditions, cannot be directly controlled. But one important factor that employees control is how well they perform. By improving performance consistently over time, employees can increase their earnings potential. In annual performance evaluations, supervisors give employees an overall rating. This performance appraisal rating determines the range of merit salary increase that can be received within a pay band.

Annual merit increases occur on the anniversary date of the individual starting in his/her current position. Annual merit increase guidelines are developed taking into account external survey data, economic business conditions and the College's objectives to provide higher salaries for better performance. These guidelines provide supervisors a consistent framework in which to determine pay increases for staff employees. The guidelines also give the supervisor the opportunity to advance high performers more quickly through the pay band. Supervisors use the merit increase guidelines along with the performance rating and the current salary, to determine salary increases. Within the guidelines, supervisors have the flexibility to decide one's actual percent of merit increase.

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Article ID: 14832
Wed 8/28/24 8:53 AM
Wed 8/28/24 8:54 AM