
Issued By: Human Resources

Revised: July 1990; March 2004; December 2009

The regular, daily attendance of each employee is essential to the successful operation of the College. An employee is required to report promptly and work the hours normally scheduled for his/her position. Employees are expected to notify their supervisors in advance of their scheduled starting time each day they are going to be absent from or late to work. An employee who has been absent three consecutive days without calling in to speak with his/her supervisor will be considered to have voluntarily resigned and his/her employment at the College will be terminated.

Excessive absenteeism, tardiness and/or leaving early will be addressed through the normal corrective action process. Supervisors are required to monitor the attendance of their staff.

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Article ID: 14824
Tue 8/27/24 3:13 PM
Tue 8/27/24 3:13 PM