Performance Appraisals

Issued By: Human Resources

Effective Date: October 1986

Revised: July 1990, April 1995, March 2004, December 2009, November 2011

In order to assure that all employees receive regular feedback on their performance, supervisors evaluate the job performance of all employees working for them on at least an annual basis. Performance appraisals establish a performance history with the College and are used in salary adjustment, promotion and transfer decisions. The purpose of the appraisal is to also guide the employee's progress in his/her current position, to discuss ways in which performance can be improved, to set future goals and objectives, and, when appropriate, to explore their potential for advancement. These formal performance reviews are in addition to the feedback supervisors give their employees throughout the review period.

Performance appraisals will be conducted annually following the employee's anniversary date or adjusted hire date for all staff. In the case of a new or transferred employee, the supervisor is expected to provide documented feedback on the employee's performance at the six month period and establish goals and measures for the year end performance review.

The supervisor must complete an appraisal of the employee's performance through the College's online performance management system, SuccessFactors. The performance appraisal process includes an employee self-review, manager feedback, 2nd level manager review, and wage increase information. HR must approve all processes before communicating appraisal and wage information to the employee. The employee is also asked to provide input on his/her goals on an ongoing basis throughout the year. The supervisor and employee shall meet to discuss achievements,  goals, development and wages. SuccessFactors can be accessed on the Cor web page through either the Employee or Supervisor tabs.

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Article ID: 14818
Tue 8/27/24 1:13 PM
Tue 8/27/24 1:14 PM