Minnesota State Grant Recalculation

The College of St. Scholastica Financial Aid Office uses two separate Minnesota State Grant recalculation policies as allowed per the Minnesota Office of Higher Education Handbook (2016-2017 Handbook, Section 1, page 65) for the two separate and distinct undergraduate educational programs our students enroll in. The two educational programs and the Minnesota State Grant recalculation policy used for each student population are detailed below.


  • St. Scholastica uses the last date of the add/drop period of part of term F in each semester (including summer) as our Minnesota State Grant “award adjustment end date” or “recalculation” date. This is the 10th business day of the semester. The enrollment level for the Minnesota State Grant is “locked” and Minnesota State Grant funding disbursed based on the student’s enrollment level at the end of the 10th business day.
  • State Grant disbursements are ALWAYS based on the student’s enrollment level as of the date of disbursement. If a State Grant disbursement occurs AFTER the 10th business day (award adjustment end date), the enrollment level used for the State Grant will be the enrollment as of the date of disbursement, not the 10th business day enrollment.
  • If a student adds a class (such as a part of term 3E class) AFTER the State Grant has been disbursed and AFTER the 10th business day of the semester, there is NO adjustment to the State Grant award.
  • If a student drops one or more individual classes (whether attended or not) AFTER disbursement, each class is treated as if the student never attended and the lower enrollment level used in the Minnesota State Grant award calculation as applicable.
  • Any individual class that is withdrawn from PRIOR TO disbursement is NOT counted when determining the student’s State Grant award. However, the credits for the withdrawn class are counted toward the student’s Minnesota State Grant eligibility limit as long as the student attended the class.
  • If a student withdraws from one or more individual classes AFTER disbursement and the student never attended the class(es), the State Grant is recalculated to a lower enrollment level as applicable. A class in which a student never attends does not count toward the student’s State Grant eligibility limit.
  • If a student withdraws from one or more individual classes (that were attended) AFTER disbursement (partial withdrawal), and the student remains enrolled in 15 or more credits for the semester, the Minnesota State Grant will NOT be adjusted.
  • If a student withdraws from one or more individual classes (that were attended) AFTER disbursement (partial withdrawal), and the student remains enrolled in less than 15 credits for the semester, St. Scholastica will perform a partial withdrawal refund calculation using the Minnesota Office of Higher Education Refund Calculation spreadsheet and return the LESSER of the following:
    1. The difference between the State Grant at the original enrollment level and the revised enrollment level OR
    2. The State Grant’s proportional share of the institution’s refund of institutional charges – Line I (E) of spreadsheet.
  • If a student withdraws from ALL classes the student was scheduled to attend PRIOR TO disbursement, no State Grant can be awarded. However, the credits for the withdrawn classes are counted toward the student’s State Grant eligibility limit as long as the student attended the classes.
  • If a student withdraws from ALL classes the student was scheduled to attend AFTER disbursement, St. Scholastica will use the Minnesota Office of Higher Education Refund Calculation spreadsheet to determine any Minnesota State Grant funds that must be returned to the State.
  • If a student is eligible for a retroactive payment of State Grant after the semester enrolled in has ended, St. Scholastica will pay State Grant funds based on coursework completed in that semester as long as the student meets all of the program eligibility requirements as of the date of disbursement. This is the case even if the student does not enroll in a later semester within the same award year. No retroactive payments will be made after St. Scholastica has closed out State Grant spending with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education for the academic year.


  • St. Scholastica uses the 5th day of part of term 3E of each semester (including summer) as the Minnesota State Grant “award adjustment end date” or “recalculation” date. Minnesota State Grant funding is awarded and disbursed based on the student’s enrollment level at initial disbursement and adjusted through the 5th day of part of term 3E.
  • If a student adds a class after the State Grant has been disbursed but PRIOR TO the 5th day of part of term 3E (award adjustment end date), St. Scholastica will increase the State Grant award if:
    1. the student is not already at a 15+ credit enrollment level
    2. the original Pell Grant awarded to the student (if any) stays the same
    3. the student attends the added class
  • If a student adds a class after the State Grant has been disbursed but PRIOR TO the 5th day of part of term 3E (award adjustment end date), St. Scholastica will decrease the State Grant award if the original Pell Grant awarded to the student (if any) increases.
  • If a student adds a class after the State Grant has been disbursed but AFTER the 5th day of part of term 3E (award adjustment end date), there is NO adjustment to the State Grant award.
  • If a student drops one or more individual classes (whether attended or not) AFTER disbursement, each class is treated as if the student never attended and the lower enrollment level used in the Minnesota State Grant award calculation as applicable.
  • Any individual class that is withdrawn from PRIOR TO disbursement is NOT counted toward State Grant award eligibility. However, the credits for the withdrawn class are counted toward the student’s Minnesota State Grant eligibility limit as long as the student attended the class.
  • If a student withdraws from one or more individual classes AFTER disbursement and the student never attended the class(es), the State Grant is recalculated to a lower enrollment level as applicable. A class in which a student never attends does not count toward the student’s State Grant eligibility limit.
  • If a student withdraws from one or more individual classes (that were attended) AFTER disbursement (partial withdrawal), and the student remains enrolled in 15 or more credits for the semester, the Minnesota State Grant will NOT be adjusted.
  • If a student withdraws from one or more individual classes (that were attended) AFTER disbursement and the State Grant decreases, St. Scholastica will perform a partial withdrawal refund calculation using the Minnesota Office of Higher Education Refund Calculation spreadsheet. St. Scholastica will return the LESSER of the following (if the student remains enrolled in less than 15 credits after the withdrawal):
    1. The difference between the State Grant at the original enrollment level and the revised enrollment level OR
    2. The State Grant’s proportional share of the institution’s refund of institutional charges – Line I (E) of spreadsheet.
  • If a student withdraws from one or more individual classes (that were attended) AFTER disbursement and the State Grant increases due to a Pell Grant reduction, CSS will first perform a partial withdrawal calculation using the Minnesota Office of Higher Education Refund Calculation spreadsheet. If the results of the refund calculation allow for an increased State Grant award, St. Scholastica will disburse additional State Grant funds to the student.
  • When a student withdraws from one or more individual classes (that were attended) AFTER disbursement and also adds or drops one or more classes during the semester, the State Grant is calculated by taking the original enrollment level at the time of disbursement – (minus) credits withdrawn or dropped + (plus) credits added to determine the enrollment level used for the adjusted Minnesota State Grant award.
  • If a student withdraws from ALL classes the student was scheduled to attend PRIOR TO disbursement, no State Grant can be awarded. However, the credits for the withdrawn classes are counted toward the student’s State Grant eligibility limit as long as the student attended the classes.
  • If a student withdraws from ALL classes the student was scheduled to attend AFTER disbursement, CSS will use the Minnesota Office of Higher Education Refund Calculation spreadsheet to determine any Minnesota State Grant funds that must be returned to the State.
  • If a student is eligible for a retroactive payment of State Grant after the semester enrolled in has ended, CSS will pay State Grant funds based on coursework completed in that semester as long as the student meets all of the program eligibility requirements as of the date of disbursement. This is the case even if the student does not enroll in a later semester within the same award year. No retroactive payments will be made after St. Scholastica has closed out State Grant spending with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education for the academic year.
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Article ID: 14487
Thu 8/22/24 10:07 AM
Thu 8/22/24 12:54 PM