Electronic Disclosure

The College of St. Scholastica uses electronic transactions to communicate with recipients of Federal Student Aid funds. Voluntary consent is collected at the time of admission.

The College of St. Scholastica uses an electronic process to provide notices, make disclosures, and direct students to a secure website to view financial aid award eligibility. An annual notice is provided each year to students via their St. Scholastica account when a financial aid award letter is generated. The annual individual notice informs the student of the following:

  • Identifies the information required to be disclosed that year,
  • Provides the exact web address for the information,
  • States that persons are entitled to a paper copy upon request, and
  • Informs students how to request a paper copy

A student may request a paper copy of an award letter or award guide, by emailing financialaid@css.edu or by calling Financial Aid at 218-723-6273.

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Article ID: 14483
Thu 8/22/24 9:50 AM
Thu 8/22/24 12:52 PM