Data Release

Under section 483(a)(3)(E) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended, FAFSA data, which includes information related to expected family contributions (EFCs) and awards, “shall be used only for the application, award, and administration of aid awarded under federal student aid programs, state aid, or aid awarded by eligible institutions….” The Consolidated Appropriation’s Act, 2018 (FY 2018 spending bill) allows schools to share FAFSA data with scholarship providers and tribal organizations, also with the student’s written consent. The Department of Defense and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act, 2019 (FY 2019 spending bill) expands that language to also allow an institution to share FAFSA data—with the student’s written consent—with an organization “assisting the applicant in applying for and receiving Federal, State, local, or tribal assistance that is designated by the applicant to assist the applicant in applying for and receiving financial assistance for any component of the applicant’s cost of attendance.”

FAFSA Data at St. Scholastica

  • ISIR and SAR Data
  • Key processing results
  • EFC
  • Student’s financial aid history as reflected in the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)
  • ISIR data to determine award eligibility, and the resulting awards and disbursement data
  • Federal Work-Study awards and pay dates • Information contained within the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) System

Other Data (shared with consent)

  • Cost of Attendance
  • Enrollment and enrollment period

St. Scholastica has implemented the following procedures in which to release student data:

Scholarship-granting organizations, tribal organizations, 3rd party or federal/state/county benefits programs (private scholarship foundations, military, Vocational Rehabilitative Services, Job training (JTPA), Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Department of Rehabilitative Services Funding (DRSFU), all tribal/state scholarship organizations, employer reimbursement, federal/state/county benefit programs such as section 8 housing, MNSURE health insurance, food stamps, heating vouchers)

With a student signed release, St. Scholastica can share information directly with the organization including enrollment, ISIR data, EFC, award history and the award letter

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Article ID: 14482
Thu 8/22/24 9:37 AM
Thu 8/22/24 12:49 PM