Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Policy


The College of St. Scholastica is an active participant in Minnesota’s Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program (PSEOP). The following is a complete guideline detailing the requirements for participation in the program and the procedures followed at The College of St. Scholastica.           


  1. The student must have junior or senior status in a Minnesota public or private high school, or have senior-level equivalency in a home school program, for the year he/she is applying. 
  2. The student must have a 3.5 GPA if applying for PSEO as a junior (part-time only) and a 3.0 GPA if applying as a senior in high school (full-time or part-time). Home-schooled students will be evaluated individually to determine eligibility for the program. Standardized test results will be very useful to help assess the eligibility of home-schooled students. Achievement test results or college entrance exam results are acceptable.
  3. Availability in courses is limited. Participants will be selected from the pool of qualified applicants. 


  1. The application deadline for Fall semester is May 1 and December 2 for the Spring semester. PSEOP is not an option during the summer semester.
  2. Students must complete and submit ALL of the following:
    1. Online Application You will be asked to upload the following documents directly into the application:
      1. Click here to download the following forms.
        • The Early Entry Student Waiver
        • The Early Entry Student Transcript Release
        • Guidance Counselor Form (The high school guidance counselor must complete this form.)
      2. A completed, current Minnesota State Department of Education PSEO Notice of Student Registration form.
      3. A written letter of recommendation from the student's high school principal, guidance counselor or a teacher.
      4. A 500-word essay on why the student would like to participate in this program.
    2. An official copy of the student's high school transcript. Send to The College of St. Scholastica Admissions, 1200 Kenwood Avenue, Duluth, MN 55811
  3. The program coordinator reviews all applications. Students who have submitted complete applications and who meet the qualifications will advance to the interview portion of the process. The interview will be on campus with the Post-secondary Enrollment Options Coordinator. A tour of the campus is scheduled at the time of the interview if the student is not familiar with the campus.
  4. Students interested in on-campus housing are required to meet with the Director of Residential Life after the initial interview.
  5. Students will be notified upon completion of the interview and in writing of the final admission decision.      


  1. Students will be notified via email about the required orientation date. Dates for PSEO student orientation will generally follow the last scheduled traditional student orientation. For Fall semester, June. For Spring semester, January.
  2. Registration for courses will happen AFTER degree-seeking students at the College have registered for courses. Prior to the registration process, PSEOP students must have determined which courses they need to fulfill high school graduation requirements with the assistance of their high school guidance counselor.
  3. The Postsecondary Enrollment Options Coordinator will screen all registrations to assure they meet PSEO regulations. In subsequent semesters, all PSEO students will meet with an academic advisor for academic advisement and course registration.
  4. Proof of immunization against measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, and diphtheria are required by state law of all postsecondary students. Students will receive a form with the acceptance letter that must be completed and returned. State law requires institutions to cancel the enrollment of students who have not complied within 45 days of their first semester of attendance.
  5. The State of Minnesota requires participating institutions to document the courses taken each semester by PSEO students. Students are responsible to complete their section of the State form, and then ask their high school guidance counselor to complete the secondary school section of the form.
  6. PSEO students will be advised where and when to meet with the academic advisor to register for courses. PSEO students are considered non-degree-seeking students, and consequently, have the lowest priority when registering for classes. PSEO students register only after all current and new degree-seeking students have registered and made their registration changes.            

Course/Program Restrictions        

  1. Under the Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act, students participating in the program may only enroll for non-sectarian courses and programs. This means students are not permitted to enroll in courses with a TRS (Theology and Religious Studies) prefix.
  2. Courses taken for only postsecondary credit are not eligible for tuition reimbursement under the act. (See Costs)
  3. PSEO students are not eligible to participate in the College’s student education abroad programs nor varsity athletics, and may not run for a student senate position/office. Students are encouraged to join clubs and organizations on campus.
  4. PSEO students electing to take private voice or music lessons are responsible for the full tuition costs for those classes.
  5. In some course situations (math and chemistry), a placement assessment may be required. Adequate high school preparation and the academic need for courses is examined before a student will be allowed to register for those courses.
  6. PSEO students are not eligible for student employment.


  1. The State of Minnesota, according to the PSEO program payment guidelines, pays for tuition and book expenses for courses taken for secondary credit by students at Minnesota public high schools. The maximum allowable reimbursement by the state covers about 20 to 25 percent of the total cost. The remainder of the cost (about 75 to 80 percent) is paid by The College of St. Scholastica.
  2. Courses that are not taken for high school credit, but for postsecondary credit only are not paid for by the State. Students who elect to enroll for a course for Postsecondary credit only are responsible for the full tuition cost for that course.
  3. Lab fees are paid for by the State.
  4. PSEO students are not eligible to receive State or College financial aid. This means PSEO students are not eligible for student employment positions on campus.
  5. The state will not pay for the expense of room and board for students electing to live on campus.   

Text Books

  1. Students will be issued a book voucher approximately one week before the beginning of each semester. This voucher allows the student to obtain their textbooks at The College of St. Scholastica Bookstore prior to the start of classes.
  2. Textbooks are the property of The College of St. Scholastica. Students must return the books to the Postsecondary Enrollment Options Coordinator at the end of each semester. Students will not receive transcripts until books are returned to the college.


  1. On-campus housing for full-time PSEO students will be reviewed on an individual, first-come, space-available basis. Note: for all students considering living on campus, please contact the PSEO coordinator.
  2. A student’s permanent residence must be outside a 25-mile radius of campus to be considered for the residence hall.
  3. All PSEO students requesting on-campus housing must come with a parent or guardian for a required interview with the Director of Residential Life. The purpose of the interview is to clarify responsibilities, procedures, and policies for living in the residence hall as well as to determine the student’s suitability for on-campus living.
  4. Priority for space in on-campus housing is given to traditional, full-time degree-seeking students. PSEO students are not guaranteed on-campus housing. On-campus housing availability is usually determined by mid-July. It is recommended that students seeking on-campus housing have a secondary plan for suitable and safe housing, in the case that on-campus housing is either not available or a suitable match.
  5. The State of Minnesota under the Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act does not pay room and board costs. These costs are the responsibility of the student/parents.

Academic/Disciplinary Regulations

  1. PSEO students must maintain a CSS minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 in order to continue to qualify for the program. Students who do not maintain the minimum GPA are subject to academic dismissal.
  2. All PSEO students have the same responsibilities as first-year students; they are required to abide by the same rules and regulations as other college students and are subject to the same disciplinary action. However, because PSEO students are not officially admitted to the College, disciplinary decisions and dismissals are final. The student does not have the right to appeal the decisions.
  3. In accordance with Minnesota law, which prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons under the legal age for drinking and the use of controlled substances, PSEO students may not use alcoholic beverages or controlled substances at any time. (Physicians’ and dental prescriptions are the only exceptions).
  4. Violations of academic or disciplinary regulations can result in immediate expulsion from the PSEO program.


Students accepting a place in the Postsecondary program at The College of St. Scholastica, agree to participate in orientation sessions, semester meetings, semester academic advisement, and other activities as arranged by the Postsecondary Enrollment Options Coordinator and/or the Director of Academic Advisement.

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Article ID: 11780
Wed 3/27/24 8:19 AM
Wed 3/27/24 8:19 AM