Poster/Posting Policy


Poster Policy: Posters in Buildings 

  • Clubs and CSS organizations can make their own posters and place them in all the buildings on campus such as Tower Hall, Burns Wellness Center, and the Science Building. 
  • All posters must be in the designated areas or they will be taken down. Cork board strips, bulletin boards, and other posting areas on campus are for the use of CSS-related groups and departments. You can only put one poster per area, if you put more than one poster per area, the other ones may be taken down. 
  • Advertising may not be posted on glass, wood, or painted surfaces. All postings should be contained to the cork boards, bulletin boards, and other designated posting areas. 
  • With permission from the EDI office, you may place your flyers on the CJL, IC, and Institution Diversity boards if your event is social justice or diversity-related.  
  • All postings must adhere to the mission statement of The College of St. Scholastica. Anything found to be distasteful or offensive will be removed immediately.  
  • Postings that may be perceived to be in direct conflict with Catholic teaching will be reviewed by the Dean of Students, who will determine, in consultation with Campus Ministry and the VP of Student Affairs, their appropriateness for posting. 
  • Postings have a time limit of one month. Plan your marketing efforts accordingly. The club/organization hanging the posters has the responsibility of removing all posters that were put up shortly after the event or at the end of one month. Failure to take down the posters can result in the responsible party getting banned from hanging flyers. Student Activities will monitor this and can remove them after the month's time frame if the club fails to do so.
  • Posters must be attributed, identified, or linked to the group associated with the posting.
  • To print posts in color, send your poster as a .pdf email attachment to the Copy Center at and provide the account number to charge the expense to your club.
  • Off-campus/non-CSS postings are allowed but are limited to the corkboard by the elevator in the Union. No more than 3 postings per event will be permitted in this area. These postings MUST be approved by the Student Activities Office.
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Article ID: 11279
Wed 2/28/24 11:01 AM
Wed 2/28/24 11:01 AM