Military & Veteran Policy


Students Called into Active Military Service

Issued By: Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Effective Date: November 1990
Revised: May 1999, April 2000, July 2002, June 2019, May 2020

Academic Record

Students who are called into active military service while enrolled in courses will be allowed to drop (no record) all courses for which they are then registered for the current 16-week term. If the active service is to begin in the third or later week of the term, they may choose to take an incomplete grade ("I") for a course. Students who chose one of these options will have 10 weeks upon end of activation to complete the academic work. In the time being, incomplete courses or dropped courses due to activation will not affect academic standing; this includes academic probation and dismissal. Students are encouraged to work with an academic advisor on a plan for degree completion or transfer as applicable.

The students will dictate action for registered future terms; the College will drop or maintain enrollment based on their wishes.

For students who decide to continue academic pursuits during activation military service, all course sessions missed due to the performance of state or federal active military service must be counted as excused absences and must not be used in any way to adversely impact grade or standing in the course. (Chapter 284-H.F.No. 3274 - 190.502). Drill and regular trainings are considered active military service.

Students are to work with the Veterans Resource Center Coordinator to notify the school of how they would like to proceed with their academic record and future pursuits at CSS. The Veterans Resource Center Coordinator will request a copy of the active duty notice and notify the Certifying Official if education benefits are involved.

The Veterans Resource Center Coordinator will notify faculty members. Students are also expected to communicate with faculty and consult with their academic advisor in a timely fashion to determine the best academic course of action. Faculty may request verification of activation from the Veterans Resource Center Coordinator.

Return to CSS

An activated student can decide to stop out of their entire enrollment at CSS. They may return to the college at any point, pending satisfactory academic standing.

Activated students who return to CSS within three years after release from active duty will fall under particular readmission protections, including readmission:

  • To the school and academic program, unless requests or agrees to admission to another program without a new, pending satisfactory academic standing at time of departure. Academic departments, particularly those with sequential curriculum, will make every effort to place students into a new cohort with which they may then advance through the program.
  • At the same enrollment status (e.g., full-time).
  • With the same number of credit hours completed.
  • With same academic standing (e.g., satisfactory academic progress status).
  • With reasonable efforts to catch up. The institution must make reasonable efforts at no extra cost to students to help them become prepared, or to enable the student to complete the program.

If the degree for which a student was enrolled has since been discontinued, the student will meet with the Dean of the School for a teach-out path.

This includes reservists and National Guard Members.

Students will work with the Veterans Resource Center Coordinator with readmission processes and reactivation of their account.

Financial Aid

When students drop and/or withdraw from courses, a Federal Return of Title IV funding (R2T4) calculation must be performed. The calculation determines the prorated amount of all Title IV funds (Pell Grants, SEOG Grants, Direct Student Loans) which must be returned to the federal government. This R2T4 calculation does not change for students activated or relocated for military service, per federal regulations. If, after they drop or withdraw from the term, and CSS refunds 100% of the tuition charges as per the refund policy, any refund must be used to repay disbursements from federal aid programs in accordance with the R2T4 calculation. Any previously awarded refunds for the affected term may also be altered based on this calculation.

The College of St. Scholastica will return any unearned federal tuition assistance (TA) funds on a proportional basis through at least the 60 percent portion of the period for which the funds were provided. TA funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, with unearned funds returned to the Department of Defense based on when a student stops attending; this mirrors The College's Withdrawal and Return of Title IV Funding (R2T4) Policy.When a Service member stops attending due to a military service obligation, the Veterans Resource Center Coordinator will work with the affected Service member to identify solutions that will not result in student debt for the returned portion. It is the student's responsibility to inform the Veterans Resource Center Coordinator when they must stop attending classes and the rationale.

Other financial aid procedures will be dictated by the regulations of the source. This includes VA funding.

Participation Policy: Title 38 USC 3679(e)

Owned by Jeri Collier, Registrar and School Certifying Official

Students using Post 9-11 GI BIllⓇ (Chapter 33) and Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E - Chapter 31) are allowed to attend and participate in the course of education without penalty while The College awaits payment from the VA.  The College will not impose any penalty (including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or require borrowing additional funds) on any covered student because of the student’s inability to meet their financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under Chapter 31 or 33. 

To be covered under this policy, the student must be able to submit a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under Ch 31 or 33 (ex - a “certificate of eligibility,” “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) website, e-Benefits screenshot, or a VAF 28-1905 form for chapter 31) and plan to use the benefit for the set term. 

These protections end on the earlier of the following dates:

  1. The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution.
  2. 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.

Yellow Ribbon Program

The Yellow Ribbon Program gives additional aid above the annual cap for those who qualify for 100% Post 9-11 GI Bill® with remaining months of eligibility. Per our Yellow Ribbon Program Agreement with the VA, Yellow Ribbon Awards will be granted to a maximum of 125 undergraduate students and 20 graduate students on a first come-first serve basis. (Note: We have never turned away eligible students. That is, we have never reached this maximum.) Again, this benefit is only for those who qualify for 100% Post 9-11 GI Bill®. The VA determines eligibility for the Yellow Ribbon Award and months of entitlement. Once Post 9-11 GI Bill® months are used, Yellow Ribbon Award eligibility ends. No Yellow Ribbon money from the school will be paid until the student demonstrates they have remaining months of Post 9-11 GI Bill ®.

We do not have a separate application process for a Yellow Ribbon Award. A submitted Certificate of Eligibility listing 100% eligibility to our Certifying Official, with eligible months remaining, for the Post 9-11 GI Bill® is sufficient. The Financial Aid Office will request students provide either Certificate of Eligibility or a Statement of Benefits each semester to verify the months remaining on Post 9-11 GI Bill® eligibility.

For those under the Yellow Ribbon Award eligibility, the yearly max CSS contribution is $12,000 for undergraduates and $5,000 for graduates. The VA matches the amount the school contributes, up to these amounts. The amount students receive depends on eligibility and their cost of tuition, fees, etc. during eligible months following the policy above. The VA will not pay for tuition covered under other aid that is set as tuition-specific (i.e. aid listed above). The Yellow Ribbon Award amount will be listed on the student’s bill and Financial Aid Award Letter.

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Mon 2/26/24 8:19 AM
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