Behavioral Leave of Absence and Readmission Policy and Procedures (Non-Discipline)


I. Policy

  1. This policy applies in situations in which a student's behavior creates a significant and unreasonable disruption to the educational pursuits of other students or the ability of faculty or staff to fulfill their duties. The College reserves the right to remove a student by requesting or requiring a student to take a leave of absence [may also be referred to as leave] from the College for reasons pertaining to the student's behavior. In addition, disciplinary action may be taken under other College policies and procedures.
    • This policy will be invoked at the discretion of the Dean of Students where the normal disciplinary system may not apply or is not appropriate. This policy does not replace existing academic performance or discipline-based withdrawal or dismissal policies maintained by academic units. The Dean of Students may choose to delegate all or parts of this responsibility to an appropriate designee. Further, the Dean of Students may appoint a designee to oversee the individual student cases. The case file will be maintained in the Dean of Students Office.
  2. Students on a leave of absence from the College under this policy may be considered for readmission following a determination by the Dean of Student that the student is ready to return to school. The determination of readmission is made in conjunction with the Leave of Absence Team which will be appointed by the Dean of Students in accordance with the needs of each case. In making the determination on readmission, the Team will consider information from campus professionals and relevant materials submitted by the petitioning student that demonstrates that the behaviors that caused the withdrawal no longer exist or are being managed.
  3. Due to the complex nature of each student situation, members of the Leave of Absence Team can be added at the discretion of the Dean of Students.

II. Procedures And Types Of Leave Of Absence

A. Interim Leave of Absence

  1. If a student's behavior creates a significant and unreasonable disruption to the educational pursuits of other students or the ability of faculty or staff to fulfill their duties, the Dean of Students may put the student on an interim leave of absence or restrict the student's access to the College campus, College housing, services, technology and activities, as appropriate, for defined period of time. Conditions for return may be specified.
  2. In such cases, reasonable attempt will be made by the Dean of Students to meet with the student and discuss options before deciding on a leave of absence. If the student is to be put on leave, the decision will be communicated in writing to the student and other units as appropriate within the College.
  3. The interim leave and/or restricted access will remain in effect until a final decision has been made pursuant to the procedures below or other applicable College procedures, unless, prior to a final decision, the DOS, determines that the reasons for imposing the leave no longer exist.

B. Involuntary Leave of Absence

Leave of absence under this policy may be considered when the College has substantial evidence that a student's behavior creates a significant and unreasonable disruption to the educational pursuits of other students or the ability of faculty or staff to fulfill their duties.

When circumstances merit, the Dean of Students will:

  1. arrange for an appropriate review process including receiving, investigating, and examining appropriate records and documentation; and/or
  2. provide an opportunity for the student to meet with the Dean of Students to discuss options regarding a leave of absence; and/or
  3. seek the recommendation of the Leave of Absence Team and/or
  4. contact the student's family, or designated emergency contact, if appropriate; and/or
  5. document the findings of the review process and any relevant recommendations; and/or
  6. provide written notice to the student of the leave; and/or
  7. describe requirements for re-admission; and/or
  8. provide written notice of opportunity for conditions of readmission.

The student may be restricted from campus and/or College technologies, services and activities during a leave of absence.

C. Voluntary Leave of Absence

If a student wishes to pursue a leave of absence, the Dean of Students will:

  • counsel the student to discuss options regarding a leave; which, under this policy is at the discretion of the Dean of Students; and/or
  • consult with the student's academic unit, academic advisor, and/or other units as appropriate; and/or
  • discuss the circumstances with the student's family or designated emergency contact person, as appropriate; and/or
  • refer the student to appropriate resources for support; and/or
  • provide the student with written documentation confirming the student's decision to take voluntary leave of absence in accordance with College policy for withdrawal if applicable; and/or
  • provide documentation of requirements for readmission, if any.

D. Return to Classes and/or Readmission

A student removed from the College under this policy and wishing to return to classes or be considered for readmission may petition the Dean of Students according to written conditions for readmission. The student will provide documentation of satisfactory completion of all conditions specified by the Dean of Students.

The Dean of Students will:

  • consult with the Leave of Absence Team; and/or
  • contact the student's family or designated contact, if appropriate; and/or
  • receive, investigate, and examine relevant documentation fulfilling petition requirements; and/or
  • provide an opportunity for the student to meet with the Dean of Students to discuss resumption of classes or readmission.

After these steps are taken, the Dean of Students will:

  • initiate the resumption or readmission process; and/or
  • when appropriate, provide the student with written conditions for continued attendance, and inform any relevant administrators in the implementation of the student's readmission; or
  • deny the student's request for return or readmission and specify when and if the student request for return or readmission will be considered; and/or
  • notify the student's academic unit and other units as appropriate of the decision regarding readmission.
  • Decisions regarding a student's return to classes or readmission are made at the discretion of the Dean of Students in consultation with the Leave of Absence Team.

E. Effect on Academic Status

In the event of a leave of absence pursuant to this policy, the College policies for withdrawal from courses and for receiving tuition refunds will normally apply.

F. Effect on Housing Status

In consultation with the Director of Residence Life, if the student has been living in the residence halls, College policy for contract cancellation and fee refund will normally apply.

G. Appeal

The student has the right to appeal in writing to the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs regarding any of the completed actions and/or decisions made throughout this policy. A written appeal must be delivered to the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs within three class/business-days of receiving written confirmation of the outcome of any deliberation conducted for the welfare of the student and/or the College. The Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs has full and final authority in decisions relating to this policy.

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Article ID: 11064
Fri 2/16/24 7:47 AM
Wed 6/12/24 8:17 AM