Grade Definitions

Letter Grade Description
A 4.0 grade points
A- 3.7 grade points
B+ 3.3 grade points
B 3.0 grade points
B- 2.7 grade points
C+ 2.3 grade points
C 2.0 grade points
C- 1.7 grade points
D+ 1.3 grade points
D 1.0 grade points
D- .7 grade points
F 0.0 grade point

Letter Grade

A Excellent
B Good
C Satisfactory
D+ Passing
F Failure
I Incomplete. An incomplete "I" may be assigned by the instructor at their discretion at the end of a term. A limit is placed on the length of time that "I" may stand on the student's record unless extended by the instructor. That limit is the 10th week of the subsequent term, excluding summer terms.
IP In Progress. The temporary grade "IP" is awarded when a course is designed to continue beyond the boundaries of an academic term. The instructor will change "IP" grades to "F" if the coursework is not completed within the time agreed upon by the student and the instructor.
P Pass. A grade of "P" indicates the student has done at least "C" work in the course.
N No Credit. Failure

Students also have the option of taking courses under the "Pass-No Credit" evaluation system. A student wishing to exercise this option is required:

  1. Before registration, to obtain signatures of approval from both the advisor and from the chairperson of the department in which the student has declared a major;
  2. To indicate on the registration form any course to be taken "Pass-No Credit."

Students who have not yet declared a major should not take courses on a "Pass-No Credit" basis, as "Pass-No Credit" courses are not typically permitted within the major.

Individual departments also may decide that certain courses will be offered as "Pass-No Credit" (P/N) courses, and all students enrolled in the course would be so evaluated.

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Article ID: 10761
Thu 2/1/24 11:40 AM
Mon 5/6/24 4:47 PM