College Withdrawal and Stop-Out Policy


Any student who withdraws or stops-out from the College during the course of the academic year must communicate with the students’ advisor or a professional academic advisor to complete the official college withdrawal or stop-out process. A student is legally registered until the official withdrawal or stop-out process is completed or the student completes the period of registration. A Registration Appeal is not required for College Withdrawals and Stop-Outs when the request for College Withdrawal or Stop-Out is received after the published add/drop/course withdrawal deadlines until the last day of the semester stated in the published academic calendar. 

For registration purposes, each week following the drop period begins on a Monday regardless of holidays and other breaks. All student requests that are initiated on a Monday will move forward to the next week. If a student communicates a request to withdraw or stop-out and it is after hours, or on the weekend, we will honor the date and time that the email and/or voicemail was received. From the first day of classes until the Monday of the ninth week of the full academic semester or the Monday of the fifth week of the partial academic term, withdrawals and subsequent refunds follow the Changing Registration Policy. A student who has left the College while in good academic and financial standing may re-enter at any time by simply following the designated readmission and registration procedures.

Release of Transcript and Grade Report

The College of St. Scholastica may withhold transcripts or grade reports for students with unpaid financial obligations to the institution. However, transcripts will be provided in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, including but not limited to cases where:

  • The outstanding balance is less than $1,000.
  • The student has an active payment arrangement in good standing.
  • The transcript is requested by a prospective employer.
  • The debt has been referred to an external agency and is not returned unpaid.
  • The student is incarcerated at a Minnesota correctional facility.
  • The request is for an official transcript that includes credit hours for payment periods where Title IV, HEA funds were received and all institutional charges for those periods were fully paid.
  • The balance is due to an error in the institution’s administration of Title IV funds or misconduct by the institution or its personnel.
  • Other legal requirements necessitate transcript release.

Additional fees or delays in transcript processing will not be imposed solely due to an outstanding balance.