Registration Appeal Policy


Appeals for course drops or course withdrawals that are received after the published last day to drop or withdraw are considered for the current academic year only, with the exception of summer where the last date to appeal is extended beyond the current academic year but no later than September 15. An academic year begins in September and ends in August. Students are advised to continue participating in the course until such time that a decision is made by the Registration Appeals Committee. 

Each request will be submitted to the Registrar for evaluation by a Registration Appeals Committee. All decisions of the Registration Appeals Committee are final. Registration appeals will only be considered under the following circumstances. 

  • The appeal affects a course or courses within the same academic year or was a course taken in the summer of one academic year and the appeal is requested no later than September 15 of the next academic year.
  • Medical circumstances (non-routine, serious medical concerns)
  • Family emergency (emergency placement of a child in student home; death of parent/spouse/other close family member)
  • Unusual circumstances (acts of nature, military activation)
  • Institutional error (student never here but not dropped in any other process; financial aid and/or data entry registration problems)

Appealing because a student changed their major during the semester or because an earned grade may be lower than a student would like is not considered an appealable circumstance.

A registration appeal must include confirmation of the student’s last date of attendance supplied by the course instructor.  “Academic attendance” and “attendance at an academically-related activity/academic engagement” includes, but is not limited to -

  • Attending a synchronous class, lecture, recitation, or field or laboratory activity, physically or online, where there is an opportunity for interaction between the instructor and students;
  • Submitting an academic assignment;
  • Taking an assessment or an exam;
  • Participating in an interactive tutorial, webinar, or other interactive computer-assisted instruction;
  • Participating in a study group, group project, or an online discussion that is assigned by the institution; or
  • Interacting with an instructor about academic matters; and

The effective date of the change in registration, if approved, will be determined by the Registration Appeals Committee.

The Registration Appeals process is not required for Full College Withdrawal and Stop-Outs when the request is received after the published add/drop/course withdrawal deadlines.

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Article ID: 10740
Wed 1/31/24 3:06 PM
Wed 6/12/24 8:21 AM