Security Policy


I. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to prevent unauthorized access to the College’s or individual’s data/information stored on the network. At the same time, we are striving to achieve three goals necessary for a productive networking environment, namely:

Availability: ensure that systems, networks, applications, utilities and data are online and accessible when authorized users need them for uses and purposes consistent with the College’s mission and goals

Integrity: protect college information, data or software from improper modification or access (i.e., virus or unauthorized access)

Confidentiality: assure that sensitive data is read-only by authorized individuals and is not disclosed to unauthorized individuals or the public

While not identified as a goal, every effort will be made to implement security measures that will not impact the performance of the network. To ensure this environment for all students, faculty and staff associated with the College, users are responsible for taking reasonable precautions to maintain the security of information stored on, or accessed by, their computer system(s).

Anyone who attempts to disable, defeat or circumvent any security measures will violate this policy. Access to the College network increases the vulnerability of whatever equipment is connected to the network. While the following measures can reduce the risk of exposure, the College makes no warranty, either explicit or implied, concerning security measures implemented on the network or computing resources. Users shall be responsible for their own security measures to protect hardware, software and data.



Article ID: 9650
Fri 12/1/23 9:36 AM
Thu 9/5/24 12:32 PM