Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Policy


Owner: Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
Author: ADA Coordinator
Effective date: 8/20/2024
Next review date: TBD
Applicable Laws, regulations, compliance:  Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Fair Housing Act

I. Purpose

This policy ensures that enrolled students with disabilities who require personal care assistance (PCA) at The College of Saint Scholastica have access to the necessary support, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

II. Definitions

Personal Care Attendant (PCA): A person who has been hired to support a student with a disability to live a more independent life by performing personal care duties or services. A PCA works directly for and is employed by the student with a disability. PCA services may include but are not limited to providing help with daily living activities, monitoring medical conditions, turning pages, retrieving books, and assisting with homework.

Disability: A disability, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008, is “A mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities , having a record of such impairment or being regarded as having such impairment.”

Reasonable accommodation: A modification to a class, program, or campus environment that allows an individual with a disability to participate in the class or program without creating an undue burden on The College or fundamentally altering academic, conduct, or performance requirements. Student requests for accommodations are determined by The Center for Equal Access.

Access Assistant: An employee hired by The Center for Equal Access who provides academic assistance to students with disabilities, such as assisting in physical manipulation in lab classes , scribing, and other course-related tasks.

Student with a disability: A student with a disability is a student who is enrolled in classes at The College of St. Scholastica who has a documented disability that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

III. Policy

The College of Saint Scholastica generally allows Personal Care Attendants (PCAs) to support students with disabilities in academic, residential, and cocurricular settings. This includes attending classes, navigating campus, and living on campus if necessary.

PCA Requests and Eligibility:

● Students requiring a PCA must register with The Center for Equal Access and create an accommodation request for a PCA to be present on campus and/ or in the dorms.
● An interactive meeting with an Access Specialist in The Center for Equal Access is required to determine the need for a PCA and to develop an appropriate support plan.

Student Responsibilities:

  • Accommodations Meeting:
    • Students must meet with The Center for Equal Access to engage in the interactive process and discuss accommodations, including the need for a PCA in the class room and/ or campus housing.
    • Work with Residential Life and The Center for Equal Access to determine housing needs and placements .
  • Hiring and Managing PCAs:
    • Students must hire, train, supervise, and pay their PCA(s ). The College does not provide or pay for PCA services. Pay for all PCA services, including but not limited to housing and meal plans if the PCA will be living on campus.
    • Finding a replacement PCA if regular PCA is not available.
  • Communication:
    • Students must inform The Center for Equal Access who they hired as their PCA(s ).
    • Students are responsible for ensuring their PCA follows all College policies and procedures .
    • If the student hires a new PCA, they are responsible for notifying The Center of Equal Access of this change.
    • Establish a non-disruptive mode of communication between themselves and the PCA in the learning environment.
  • Conduct:
    • Students are responsible for their PCA’s conduct. PCAs must adhere to The College’s code of conduct in all campus settings, including appropriate and respectful behavior in academic settings .
    • Ensure the PCA is acting as a non-academic participant in the learning environment.

The Center for Equal Access Responsibilities:

The College of St. Scholastica does not provide PCA services and is not responsible or liable for any consequences resulting from a student’s association with a PCA.

  • Verification and Documentation:
    • Through the interactive process , The Center for Equal Access will determine a student’s disability-related needs, including the need for a PCA.
    • CEA will also save a completed PCA agreement form.
  • PCA Policy:
    • Require both the student and the PCA to sign the PCA agreement to ensure mutual understanding of roles, responsibilities, and College policies.
  • Support and Guidance:
    • The Center for Equal Access can work with students to communicate with faculty and necessary staff regarding the PCA’s presence and duties.
    • Answer any questions from Residential Life regarding a student's need for a PCA in the housing.
  • Implementation:
    • CEA will work with Facilities and the Registrar to ensure class room sizes and furniture are available in the class room to adjust for additional personnel.
      • If original class room cannot accommodate additional furniture or individuals, CEA will work with the Registrar to move the class to a larger class room.

Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Responsibilities:

  • Adhere to Policies :
    • PCAs must adhere to all CSS policies , including the code of conduct.
    • If required in campus housing, it must adhere to Residential Life policies .
      • PCA’s may access the student’s residence hall only in the presence of the student and while the student is on campus .
  • Sign Agreement:
    • PCAs must sign the PCA agreement and comply with its terms .
  • Professional Conduct:
    • PCAs must maintain professional and respectful behavior in all academic and campus settings .
    • When an educational environment requires students for safety or health-related reasons to meet specific criteria, such as background checks, inoculations, personal protective equipment, etc, the PCA must meet the same requirement(s).
    • If PCA is required for on-campus housing, PCA may be required to submit a background check.
    • Remain available to assist the student with personal needs in the learning environment, as needed.
    • Act as a non-academic participant in the learning environment.
    • Allow student to take responsibility for their progress or behavior.
    • Refrain from intervening in conversations between the student and faculty, staff or other students.
    • Refrain from discussing any confidential information about the student with faculty, staff or students.
    • The PCA should not be involved with the student’s work related to any class assignments or tests.

Faculty Responsibilities:

  • Work with CEA:
    • Faculty must work with The Center for Equal Access to understand the role of the PCA and accommodate their presence in the class room.
    • Faculty should communicate any concerns regarding the PCA’s conduct or impact on the learning environment to The Center for Equal Access.

IV. Individuals and Entities Affected by This Policy

Students with disabilities that need PCA support, PCAs.
Faculty and staff who interact with the student who is approved to have a PCA.

V. Related Documents, Forms, and Procedures

VI. History and Updates

The College reserves the right to modify policies at any time, ensuring the involvement of relevant committees and constituents in the decision-making process (e.g., policy committee, faculty assembly, staff council, student government association, etc.)



Article ID: 14974
Fri 8/30/24 2:58 PM
Fri 8/30/24 3:21 PM