Payroll Procedures


Effective Date: April 1973

Revised: July 1978; July 1990; April 1995; March 1998; December 2009

Pay Periods

All employees are paid on a biweekly pay schedule. There are 26 biweekly pay periods in a 12-month period.

Pay for salaried staff working less than 12 months is delivered over 26 payrolls following the first full academic year.

Hourly staff must complete electronic timesheets on Banner Web and submit for supervisor approval no later than 2 p.m. on the last Friday of the pay period.

Salaried staff must complete electronic exception time reports and submit for supervisor approval no later than 2 p.m. on the last Friday of the pay period.

Supervisors must approve timesheets and exception time reporting by 10 a.m. the following Monday.

Falsification of one's own timesheet or that of another employee is a violation of policy and is subject to discipline up to and including termination.

Pay Delivery

Pay is issued on the Friday following the submission of time. Pay information is usually available on BannerWeb by Wednesday of the pay week. Direct deposit pay advices are e-mailed on Thursday of pay week. Checks for employees who do not use direct deposit are mailed to employee homes.

If the normal payday falls on a College recognized holiday, pay will be issued on the workday prior to the holiday.

Direct Deposit

Employees are encouraged to enroll in direct deposit. The Direct Deposit Authorization Form is available under forms and tools on the Human Resources page of my.CSS. Employees may deposit pay in up to three different accounts. Enrollment in direct deposit can be started, stopped or changed at any time.

Advance Payment

The College will not issue advance payment of wages to employees for any reason.

Early Distribution of Pay

The College will not release any pay prior to the announced schedule unless a personal emergency arises. In all instances, approval is required by the employee's supervisor.

Lost Paychecks

If an employee loses a paycheck, the College will replace the paycheck after 10 working days if the check has not cleared the bank. The employee must sign a document declaring the loss of said paycheck and pay for the bank's stop payment charge. In the event the lost check is recovered and the College identifies the endorsement as that of the employee, the employee will reimburse all salaries within twenty-four hours. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Garnishments and Tax Levies

A garnishment results from a court order to withhold an amount from an employee's paycheck and pay it to a creditor or to the courts until the debt is satisfied or the employee leaves employment with the College. Levies are similar orders from either the federal or state government for payment of past due taxes. Another type of garnishment is a child support order typically issued as part of a divorce decree. Specific statutes govern the payment of garnishments and set priority of payment in the event of multiple garnishments.



Article ID: 14856
Wed 8/28/24 4:51 PM
Wed 8/28/24 4:56 PM