Corrective Action


Issued By: Human Resources

Effective Date: December 2009

Revised: August 2013

When it becomes necessary to address an employee's behavior, actions or job performance, general guidelines of acceptable workplace conduct will govern. Depending upon the nature and seriousness of the employee's actions, corrective action may be warranted and may take any or all of the following forms, even on a first infraction:

  • Counseling (Counseling may be formal or informal)
  • Verbal warning and record of conversation
  • Written warnings
  • Suspension with or without pay, pending investigation
  • Termination of employment

In addition to violations of college policies, employee actions warranting discipline may include misconduct, insubordination, unsuccessful job performance or excessive days off and tardiness. In most cases, if there are issues that need to be addressed, the supervisor will talk with the employee first. The supervisor and employee will work together to come up with an improvement plan.

Specific actions will be determined by the supervisor in consultation with Human Resources, based on the specifics of each case and will depend on such factors as frequency and severity of the situation. In general, the College will use progressive discipline but reserves the right to take any disciplinary action it deems appropriate to the circumstances.



Article ID: 14819
Tue 8/27/24 2:17 PM
Tue 8/27/24 2:18 PM