Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy


In accordance with federal and state regulations, students are evaluated for and must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). The College of St. Scholastica (CSS) Financial Aid office reviews academic performance at the end of each semester and enforces SAP standards to ensure that financial aid recipients progress toward successful completion of their degree or certificate program. Students who fail to meet these standards become ineligible to receive financial aid until compliant with all the requirements detailed in this policy.

To demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress, a student’s academic performance must meet two main SAP components. The first is a qualitative component, represented by grade point average (GPA). The second is a quantitative component measured by credit completion (the ratio between attempted and completed credits) and the maximum timeframe to complete the degree or certificate program.

Section I: Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress

Grade Point Average

Freshmen must obtain at least a cumulative GPA of 1.75 at the end of the first semester and a cumulative GPA of 2.00 after the second semester. Sophomores, juniors and seniors must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00. Graduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00.

Credit Completion

Students must complete 67 percent of all credits attempted. A completed credit has a grade of A, B, C, D, CR or P. Withdrawals, grade variations, incomplete courses, no credit, in progress and repeated courses are included in attempted credits.

Maximum Timeframe

Students are expected to finish their degree or certificate within the level of study, within an acceptable time period. Financial aid recipients who are maintaining SAP may continue to receive aid through their cumulative attempted credit that equals 150 percent of the required number of credits needed to complete their program, including transfer credits from another college that apply to The College of St. Scholastica or until the point it has been mathematically determined that they cannot graduate within the 150% maximum time frame. The maximum timeframe to obtain a first baccalaureate degree is 192 attempted hours. Students become
ineligible for financial aid after it is determined that they cannot graduate within the maximum timeframe.

Section II

Attempted Credits

Attempted credits include all credits for which you are registered for within the semester, including withdrawn courses.

Cumulative Credits

Cumulative credits represent the total number of credits evaluated (attempted and earned) for all periods of enrollment at The College of St. Scholastica.

Earned Credits

Earned credits are those that are successfully completed with a grade of A, B, C, D, P or CR and all plus or minus variations of these grades. Grades of F, T, IP, W, N, NC, NR or drops are not counted as earned credits. Audit credits are not counted as attempted or earned credits.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The GPA is calculated using a grade point value outlined in the catalog for grades A, B, C, D and F and all plus or minus variations. Although a grade of P or CR will count as credit earned, it carries no grade point value. A grade of NC, IP or NR do not carry a grade point value. A GPA is calculated each semester for an enrolled student even if the GPA is “null” due to receiving only W, N, P, CR or NC grades. For a student without a CSS GPA history, a “null” term GPA will count negatively towards the cumulative GPA standard.

Incomplete Courses

Grades of I, IP or NR are assigned as temporary marks for pending course completion, and count against the completion rate.

Repeat Courses

Repeats may be allowed to improve a grade or meet program requirements, and they are included in calculations for the SAP grade point average, credit completion and maximum timeframe standards. The most recent grade will become the grade calculated for GPA, with the exception where the later attempt results in an F,W, N or NC grade.

Transfer Credits

All transfer credits accepted at The College of St. Scholastica will be included as attempted and earned credits in the completion ratio and maximum timeframe calculation.

Change of Major and Dual Degree

Only attempted credits eligible for application toward the student’s current certificate or degree within the level of study at The College of St. Scholastica will count toward the maximum timeframe of that certificate or degree. Attempted and earned credits under all majors will be included in the calculation of GPA and credit completion. Students who change majors or seek a dual degree may appeal for an extension of the maximum timeframe provision of this policy. Appeals will be evaluated on an individual, case-by-case basis.

High School Credits

Credits earned through the College of St. Scholastica’s Post-Secondary Education Option (PSEO) or College in the Schools (CITS) programs will be included in the cumulative credit completion standard, GPA and maximum timeframe calculation. PSEO/CITS credits earned at another postsecondary institution will be treated as transfer credits.

Section III

Academic progress for every student will be monitored at the end of each semester. All of the student’s academic coursework is considered in the review process, whether the student received financial aid that semester or not. The assessment will be based on the student’s entire academic record, including all transfer credit hours accepted.


If the student does not meet either the GPA or credit completion standard, the student will be notified via electronic delivery that they are being placed on Financial Aid Warning for the next registered semester. While on warning, students are eligible to receive financial aid. Students on warning are encouraged to use the many academic support services on campus to improve their academic standing.

Warning status is granted for one semester. To be removed from financial aid warning, the student must attain both the GPA and Credit Completion standards.
Students who fail to meet these standards will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension.

If it is determined a student cannot mathematically graduate within the 150% maximum timeframe or a student has reached maximum timeframe before completing the program, the student will be suspended from financial aid.

Financial Aid Suspension

If a student has been placed on warning status and after the subsequent semester is still not meeting the minimum cumulative GPA and/or credit completion ratio, they will be notified via electronic delivery that they are being placed on financial aid suspension.

While on suspension, students are not eligible for most financial aid programs. Exceptions include institutional aid, private loan programs and outside assistance that does not require SAP.

If the academic department allows the student to register, the student may attend The College of St. Scholastica but will do so at their own expense until the minimum cumulative GPA and credit completion requirements have been met.

Academic Dismissal

Students who have been suspended by The College of St. Scholastica are no longer eligible for financial aid. If a student is re-admitted, the student must complete the SAP appeal process. Eligibility for financial aid will be determined based on financial aid SAP standards through a review of the academic record.

Section IV: Right to Appeal

A student who is unable to achieve satisfactory academic progress and is suspended from financial aid has the right to appeal based on unusual or extenuating circumstances, such as medical or personal problems. The student may appeal the financial aid suspension status at any time during the year by completing the financial aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Suspension Appeal Form. The student must provide:

  • A statement explaining the nature of the extenuating circumstances that contributed to the SAP deficiency
  • An explanation of how the barriers to academic success have been removed
  • A willingness to adhere to an academic plan (if required)

If the appeal is approved and it is determined that the student should be able to meet the SAP standards by the end of the subsequent payment period, the student will be assigned probation status for one payment period and will be eligible for financial aid. Students on financial aid probation status are encouraged to use the many academic support services on campus to improve their academic standing.

Academic Plan

If it is determined that it will require more than one payment period to meet SAP standards, the student is no longer on probation and an Academic Plan will be created for student success. The institution will use the Academic Plan as the benchmark for SAP standards for the length of time specified in the Academic Plan. Students who fail to fulfill the requirements of the Academic Plan will become ineligible for financial aid. If the student meets cumulative SAP standards, they regain financial aid eligibility.

Section V: Financial Aid Programs Covered By This Policy

This policy applies to all federal and state financial aid programs.



Article ID: 14489
Thu 8/22/24 11:13 AM
Thu 8/22/24 1:56 PM