Federal Pell Grant Recalculation


The College of St. Scholastica Financial Aid Office two separate Pell recalculation policies as allowed per federal regulation 34 CFR 690.80(b)(2)(i)) for the two separate and distinct undergraduate educational programs our students enroll in. For both student populations, St. Scholastica chooses to use a single fixed date option for Pell recalculation purposes. The Pell recalculation policy and single date used for each population is detailed below. St. Scholastica performs mandatory recalculations in the following situations:

  1. Enrollment changes between payment periods
  2. EFC change
  3. Non-attendance in one or more classes

*Pell Grant funds are awarded in whole dollars rather than cents.


  • St. Scholastica defines the “initial Pell calculation date” as the date the student is packaged with Pell Grant funds at St. Scholastica.
  • St. Scholastica uses the last date of the add/drop period of part of Term F for each semester (excluding summer) as the Pell recalculation date. This is the 10th business day of the semester. The enrollment level for the Pell Grant is “locked” and Pell Grant funding awarded and disbursed based on the student’s enrollment level at the end of the tenth business day.
  • When a FAFSA is received by St. Scholastica after the 10th business day, the enrollment at the point the student is packaged with Pell Grant funds is used (initial Pell calculation date) in determining the Pell Grant award rather than the enrollment on the tenth business day.
  • Incoming students are packaged with Pell Grant funds (initial Pell calculation date) even if verification has not been completed at the time of packaging.
  • If a continuing student selected for verification has not completed verification by the 10th business day, the initial calculation of Pell Grant funds will occur when the student completes verification and is packaged later in the semester. The “initial Pell calculation” will be based on the student’s enrollment level at the time Pell Grant funds are packaged for the student.
  • If the student does not begin attendance in one or more classes, and the Pell enrollment level changes, a mandatory Pell recalculation is performed.
  • If the student “adds” a course after the tenth business day, the Pell Grant award will NOT be increased based on an increased enrollment level.
  • If the student “drops” a course after the tenth business day, a mandatory Pell recalculation is performed.
  • If the student “withdraws” from a course that the student attended or academically engaged in after the tenth business day of the semester, the Pell Grant will NOT be adjusted.
  • If the student “withdraws” from all courses the student was scheduled to attend, the St. Scholastica Withdrawal and Return to Title IV Aid Policy will take effect and supersede this policy.
  • If a student is eligible for a late disbursement of a Pell Grant after the semester has ended (must be within 180 days of when the student ceased attendance), St. Scholastica will pay Pell Grant funds based on coursework completed in the semester, rather than using the enrollment level as of the 10th business day or initial Pell calculation date.
  • Adjustments may be made for late consortium agreements, cross registrations, and internships if the agreement was initiated by the student prior to the end of 10th business day. Other extenuating circumstances for “late adds” may also be considered for an override (school error, etc.) by petition to the Financial Aid Director.
  • St. Scholastica uses the 5th day of part of term 3E as the traditional student’s Pell recalculation date for summer semester only. This is due to the fact that the traditional student course offering schedule closely aligns with the extended/online student course offering schedule during summer semester.


  • St. Scholastica uses the 5th day of part of term 3E as the extended/online student’s Pell recalculation date for all semesters (including summer). The enrollment level for the Pell Grant is “locked” on this day. As a result, adjustments to the Pell Grant are made for “adds”, individual course “drops”, AND “withdrawals” through this date.
  • If a FAFSA is received after the student has started classes for the semester, the “initial Pell calculation” will be based on the student’s enrollment level at the time Pell Grant funds are packaged. Recalculations will occur for changes in enrollment up until the 5th day of part of term 3E.
  • Incoming students are packaged with Pell Grant funds (initial Pell calculation date) even if verification has not been completed at the time of packaging.
  • If a continuing student selected for verification has not completed verification by the 5th business day, the initial calculation of Pell Grant funds will occur when the student completes verification later in the semester. The “initial Pell calculation” will be based on the student’s enrollment level at the time Pell Grant funds are packaged for the student.
  • If the student does not begin attendance in one or more classes, and the Pell enrollment level changes, a mandatory Pell recalculation is performed.
  • If the student “adds” a course up through the 5th day of part of term 3E, and the Pell enrollment level increases, the Pell Grant award WILL be adjusted upward.
  • If the student “drops” a course at any point during the semester, a mandatory Pell recalculation is performed.
  • If the student “withdraws” from a course up through the 5th day of part of term 3E that the student attended or academically engaged in, the Pell Grant WILL be adjusted and reduced to a lower Pell enrollment level as applicable.
  • If a student “withdraws” from a course after the 5th day of part of term 3E, the Pell Grant WILL NOT be adjusted.
  • If the student “withdraws” from all courses the student was scheduled to attend for an individual part of term or entire semester, the CSS Withdrawal and Return to Title IV Aid Policy will take effect and supersede this policy.
  • If a student is eligible for a late disbursement of a Pell Grant after the semester has ended (must be within 180 days of when the student ceased attendance), St. Scholastica will pay Pell Grant funds based on coursework completed in the semester, rather than using the enrollment levels as of the 5th day of part of term 3E or initial Pell calculation date.
  • Adjustments may be made for late consortium agreements, cross registrations and internships if the agreement was initiated by the student by the 5th day of part of term 3E. Other extenuating circumstances for “late adds” may also be considered for an override (school error, etc.) by petition to the Financial Aid Director.



Article ID: 14484
Thu 8/22/24 10:57 AM
Thu 8/22/24 1:53 PM