Student Records Policy


Students are hereby notified that pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, students are entitled to review those records, files, documents and other materials that contain information directly related to themselves that are maintained by the College. It is further understood that a student may request a hearing, in accordance with the regulations issued by the Secretary of Education, to challenge the content of the educational records to ensure that the records are not inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of one's rights. The student may insert in the records a written explanation regarding the contents of such records if the College does not make the suggested corrections or deletions.

Student access and review is subject to the following conditions:

  1. The College has 45 days to comply with a written request to the College official responsible for maintaining the record sought.
  2. All information declared confidential by the Act or excluded from the definition of "education records" by the Act is unavailable for inspection.
  3. After reviewing the records, the student may request the unit maintaining the record to remove or modify information believed to be misleading, inaccurate or inappropriate. If the request is refused, the student may insert in the records a written explanation regarding the contents to which he/she objects or may file an appeal with the President's Office which will be heard by a person or committee designated by the president.



Article ID: 10742
Wed 1/31/24 4:10 PM
Wed 6/12/24 9:21 AM