Policy Name: Academic Honesty
Owner: Vice President for Academic Affairs
Author: Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Contact information: Aileen Beard,
Effective Date: July 09, 2024
Next Review Date: TBD
Applicable Laws, regulations, compliance:
I. Purpose
Academic honesty and integrity are highly valued at The College of St. Scholastica. Academic dishonesty seriously violates the integrity of the academic enterprise and will result in academic penalties up to and including dismissal from the College.
II. Definitions
Academic dishonesty can include misrepresentation of the work of others as one's own; dishonesty in testing; violating authorized guidelines established by instructors for individual assignments; sabotaging or damaging the work of others; or engaging in dishonesty in other academic work. Each of these aspects of academic dishonesty may include the use of generative artificial intelligence with or without appropriate citation unless specifically permitted by the course instructor.
III. Policy
Collaborative Work
The instructor should make clear the degree of cooperation that is authorized for collaborative projects as well as what behaviors constitute academic dishonesty within
collaborative work. Students are responsible for asking the instructor for clarification in any unclear situation.
Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence
The instructor has discretion in determining the degree to which generative AI may be used in the completion of an assignment or other coursework. Unauthorized use of generative artificial intelligence, even with appropriate citation, may violate the Academic Honesty Policy. Students are responsible for asking the instructor for clarification in any unclear situation.
Academic Dishonesty Reporting and Procedure
When a student is suspected of academic dishonesty, the instructor who teaches the course must report the violation, following the reporting procedure, to the department chair or program director where the course resides, the dean of the school in which the course is offered, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) or their designee.
When the academic dishonesty is unrelated to a particular course, the department chair or program director (collectively, the "College representative"), must report the violation, following the reporting procedure, to the chair of the department, the dean of the school, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) or their designee.
The instructor or the College representative shall engage in a conversation with the student to advise them of the allegation and to learn of the student's response to the allegation.
If a student fails to respond to the instructor’s or the College representative’s request for such a conversation within a reasonable amount of time, the instructor or the College representative will form a judgment without the benefit of the student's viewpoint.
If the instructor or the College representative concludes that the student was academically dishonest, they will apply an appropriate penalty (see "Penalties" section below). The instructor or the College representative will report the violation, which will generate a formal letter that includes the following:
- the nature of the academic dishonesty;
- the academic sanction being imposed;
- the student's right to appeal;
- the individuals to whom the letter is being distributed;
- a statement that the VPAA has the authority to impose an additional academic sanction, within 15 working days of the date on the letter, if the VPAA believes that such a sanction is warranted when the student's academic dishonesty is considered in the context of the student's prior academic record;
- and a statement that the VPAA has the authority to share the academic dishonesty information with the Dean of Students to determine whether additional disciplinary action should be taken based on the student's prior social behavior record at the College.
The faculty member will determine the consequences of the academic dishonesty. This can include, but is not limited to, failure of an assignment, opportunity to rewrite or resubmit work, lowering of a letter grade, and/or failure of the course. In addition to the course-level sanction, a department may deny admission to or dismiss from a program a student who has engaged in academic dishonesty. The VPAA, or their designee, may impose additional sanctions, up to and including suspension or dismissal from the College, even on the first instance of academic dishonesty.
Academic Appeals Procedure
Students who would like to appeal an academic honesty sanction may do so, within seven calendar days of notification of the sanction, by following the College’s academic appeal procedure.
IV. Individuals and entities affected by this policy
All faculty and students
V. Related documents, forms, and procedures
Academic Dishonesty Procedure
Academic Reporting Form
Academic Appeal Process
VI. History and updates
August 1st, 2023: The policy was put into a new standard template. Headers and related documents and procedures were added if applicable. No substantive changes were made to content.
July 9th, 2024: Significant revamp, including inclusion of collaborative work and generative artificial intelligence.
The College reserves the right to modify policies at any time, ensuring the involvement of relevant committees and constituents in the decision-making process (e.g., policy committee, faculty assembly, staff council, student government association, etc.).